Sunday, January 24, 2021

At Least I Am Not in the Belly of a Whale.

 My very religious, very Evangelistic neighbor has been telling me lately that she is excited about all the mayhem going on in the U.S. because it is making so many people turn towards God and pray. It is an unusual take on how to handle what you do not like about what is going on around you. She is seriously rejoicing in things being bad. This got me thinking about what should I be doing as far as praying and acting to improve things I know are not good and not God's will.

The Old Testament readings at Sunday mass the past couple of weeks mention Samuel and Jonah. Both were called by God, both had some trouble at first, but then eventually did listen and follow God's will. What does that mean to us living in 2021? Are we listening to God? How is he calling us? I don't think many of us are woken up in the middle of the night by the voice of God. Neither are we told specifically where to go and what to do like Jonah was, nor are we likely to be swallowed by a giant whale if we do not act on what God is asking of us, but we need to be alert to listen to what God is calling us to do and be. 

How do we know what God wants of us? Listening at church and following our Church traditions teaches us to pray and ask for what we need. But how do we know if God wants more than prayer? Somebody needs to do the action. How alert are we to the quiet voice in our heart that leads us to a particular action whether it be working at a food pantry, praying in front of an abortion clinic, spending some extra time on the phone with a friend or neighbor who needs your companionship, writing to elected officials, running for office,  peaceful protests, going on a mission, fasting for an intention, or even something more life-changing? Many of us have already set the path for our major vocation, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be constantly listening for God who might show us what he wants by having a job layoff and then a very different opportunity arises, a nagging feeling that you need to be doing something for a particular group or cause, obstacles that get in the way of what you want to do that make you have second thoughts. 

Looking back, I can see some times in my life where God led me to be somewhere or do something. After losing a teaching job due to the school closing, I stumbled into a job working in a shelter for homeless, pregnant women. It was hard but very fulfilling, I grew and I know I helped many people. I was led to work in a Catholic school with some very supportive co-workers the year that we had several family crises. It wasn't exactly being swallowed by a fish and being spat out where you belong but I still ended up going someplace I had no intention of going. If you think about it, I suspect you can find some times when God managed to get you where you belong, even though it was not your first choice. 

So I cannot rejoice as much as my neighbor about bad times bringing people closer to God, but I can and will pray and be alert to where I am being led and to say "Here I am Lord, I come to do your will."